

What is Reiki?
Reiki is Japanese and consists of two words: rei, which means "universal" and ki, which means "life energy" and corresponds to the Chinese chi and prana in India. Universal life energy refers to the highest known energy level, which is then broken down into "lower" energy levels in different contexts, such as the energy worked with in Tai Chi. All living things depend on the life energy. In the human body, it mainly enters through our seven major energy centers, which are called chakras. Inside the body we have a network of energy pathways, meridians (which are used in acupuncture treatment according to Chinese theory). Everything also has an energy field around it, which we usually call aura. The energy gives power to the organs and cells of our body, and also to our psyche. When the flow of energy is disturbed or hindered, the functions of the body are also disrupted. Often these energy disturbances are called blockages. Life energy is strongly influenced by our thoughts and feelings: negative ones impair the currents of life energy, while positive thoughts and feelings strengthen the flow. Since we humans sometimes have negative feelings and thoughts, we all usually have more or less blockages in the body. However, the problems arise when the blocks become long-lasting, when you are stuck in a negative emotional and thought pattern. It is these blockages that can cause different disease symptoms. Reiki, the Universal Life Energy, heals the body by flowing into the blocked parts, and charging them with the positive energy. Reikin also increases the frequency of energy inside and outside the body. The result is that the negative energy dissolves and disappears. In this way, Reikin purifies the energy pathways, and allows the life force to flow freely. When the energy flows again without blockages, the body gets a chance to heal itself.
How does reiki work?
Reiki works on several levels simultaneously, partly through the physical touch, which activates "feel-good hormones" in the body such as oxytocin, and partly through the body's subtle energy system in the same way as, for example, acupuncture and acupressure. There are also similarities with therapies such as the Rose Method, which involves storing painful memories in the body in the form of physical tension and blockages. Through touch, the tension is dissolved and the client can then let go of what caused the pain in the first place. Reiki healing is a holistic treatment method, which assumes that body and psyche are a whole. Therefore, you often treat the whole body, even if you have problems that are perceived as limited to a certain place. Reiki relieves pain and dissolves tension, both physically and mentally, lowers stress and increases well-being. Sleep problems, brain in high gear, sciatica, muscle aches, rheumatism, mental and physical tension; the list of areas where Reiki is helpful goes on and on. Reiki energy adds more amount of life energy, which the body's own self-healing powers can use to heal itself. The deep relaxation activates the body's own self-healing ability. Many physical ailments have a psychological or emotional cause; Aches and tensions are often caused by stress, sadness, worry and displaced emotions. Reiki works simultaneously on the physical and emotional levels, dissolving tensions and releasing what once caused them. The emotions can then come to the surface so that you can process them.